Pure bliss


Why write?

A long time ago, well before I knew any better, I decided that I wanted to be a writer. I was almost four years old and quite pleased with my decision. Since that time, I’ve had quite a varied career - portrait model, telephone solicitor (yep, one of those annoying types that calls you over dinner), gas monkey (in the old times, you had people that would come and pump your gas so I did that, during a scary time as the first gas shortage in the USA happened then and people became irate waiting for hours in line to find out that we’d just run out of gas-uh oh. My boss, Shorty, was almost run over one morning), I vended gold jewelry on the streets of Washington, DC, and thanks to that, I have many “colorful” characters that met, and I can now mention in stories, I was an assistant manager in a retail store that mostly sold baskets, weird sandals and lots of overpriced pillows - and yes, they went belly up oh yeah, the most unlike me thing was working as a secretary at the World Bank - and boy, there sure are a couple of good stories there too! And finally, at long last, I settled on a career - designer. I have done this now for over 39 years. I’ve designed jewelry, purses, belts, garlands, backpacks, leather mugs and for the last 25 years, or so, I design costumes. Mostly Scottish and Irish clothing from Medieval times, the Renaissance period, the eighteenth century, Viking clothes and so many Pirate outfits! Johnny Depp may not be popular but he is still King of the Pirates as far as I can see.

But of all my experiences, none can compare with the knowledge I have received from the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard. His philosophy I use in my daily life. I have learned many vital concepts from his teachings about aesthetics and how to excel as an artist. I encourage all writers to do the Basic of Art class, or buy the book “Art” by L. Ron Hubbard. It will change your life!

So, what does all of this have to do with writing? It has much to do with it, as my world is colored by my experiences.


My writing process